Our first year of gardening was the summer of 2007, the summer we were married. I attempted to plant tomatoes and peppers in our backyard along our garage. It failed miserably. I don't believe we had one tomato or pepper! I started to develop a feeling that I would not be able to grow vegetables.
I have always loved raspberries. I do believe raspberries are my favorite fruit. I also really enjoy blueberries and strawberries. Chris's Grandpa Bud had a very large raspberry patch in his backyard. It was tradition that Grandpa Bud and the kids would pick raspberries and then Chris's mom Nola would make raspberry jam. It always sounded to me like such wonderful memories. The next summer (2008), Chris and I decided to make room for our own berry batch! We made a little

garden on the side of our house. We then went to Grandpa Bud's house and transplanted some of his raspberries. We also bought some blackberry bushes and three blueberry bushes. Yummy!!!! I am too overeager though..I expected lots of berries that first year...boy was I wrong! All of our berries need a few years to get established. I am hoping that this year we will have lots and lots and lots of berries. I am so eager to make some delicious pie!
Also, in the summer of 2008, we planted quite a few tomato plants, a melon plant, peppers and squash. On our porch we also had a few tomatoes and some Thai chili peppers and all of our herbs. The tomatoes on our porch flourished. However, the tomatoes in the garden never ripened. Could it have been over or under watering? Lack of bees? Nutrients in the soil? Or because we bought weird varieties? This summer, we will definitely be sticking with the normal array of tomatoes...
We are being more adventurousome this year. We have started our own seeds! We have about 60ish starts in our spare bedroom. Acorn squash, butternut squach, zucchini, cilantro, swiss chard, spinach, black seeded lettuce, lavender, thai basil, lemon basil and marjaram. As I drive home from work, I am full of anticipation. How are our plants doing? Did the butternut squash spring up yet? How tall is the zucchini? We planted our seeds about the first weekend in April, and boy are they doing great! Now, all we need is a garden to plant them in....that story will have to wait for another day.